Got Questions About Botox?
Ahead of booking your MSTR treatment, you may have lots of questions about what to expect, how to prepare & recover, and even understanding the possible complications. We’ve pulled together all the information and common questions about botox & anti wrinkle treatments below.
Will it Hurt?
The treatment is practically painless and requires no anaesthesia.
Can I Have This Treatment If I’m Taking Antibiotics?
It is okay to be treated with Botox whilst taking antibiotics (or another of brand of the family) but there are some considerations worth thinking about, especially before booking the treatment. Botox is not shown to be affected by the majority of antibiotics that are used to fight infections, but there are certain antibiotics that should not be taken when you are expected to have the treatment. People normally worry that antibiotics will kill off the Botox molecules which limits the results of the treatment.
Antibiotics, however, are designed to tackle bacterial infections meaning that it shouldn’t have any impact with the Botox as it is a protein molecule. If you get hot within the first 48 hours of the treatment e.g. (exercise or any other blood pumping activity including sunbeds and alcohol) is a good example of how you may negatively impact the reliability of your treatment. If you have Botox regularly e.g. every three months your Botox treatment will be less effective as your antibodies learn to fight it off. In this case your clinician will use a different brand of Botox. Please familiarise yourself of your antibiotic if you are on them, make sure to bring this to the clinic for your consultation.
An example of a group of antibiotics that could impact your treatment are Aminoglycosides (which includes, amikacin, neomycin, kanamycin, streptomycin, lincomycin, tobramycin, gentamicin and clindamycin). If you are taking one of these antibiotics then we recommend finishing the course before you come in for your Botox. Antibiotics in this group are known to strengthen the Botox which then brings back the wrinkles as it causes a profound effect. These antibiotics reduce neuromuscular transmission (they impact the level of messaging that the muscles send to the brain. Other examples of medication which may counteract your Botox treatment include D-penicillamine, polymyxins and cyclosporine. Some drugs may have the opposite effect on your treatment by counteracting the results of Botox. Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are the two examples of antimalarials within the aminoquinolines group.
It is thought that these drugs might work to limit Botox’s ability to reduce your wrinkles by restricting the effect it has on the muscles (which cause facial wrinkles) it has been injected into. In this case when undergoing filler treatments whilst taking antibiotics it may be possible to increase the rate that your body metabolises the filler and the product would be metabolised more quickly compared to when not taking any medication.
What Are The Side Effects?
The benefit of anti-wrinkle injection is that they are temporary and wear off over time making them ideal for clients who want a more natural result. The most common side effects however can be bruising and swelling which often resolves itself over a period of a few days.
Each person is different but normally the results from Botulium Toxin A inject last between 3-6 months.
The results appear gradually and often take 3-14 days to reach the final effect.
How Long Will it Last?
Each person is different but normally the results from Botulium Toxin A inject last between 3-6 months.
What Should I Do Before & After Treatment?
No consumption of alcohol 12 hours before and after your treatment. Smoking should be avoided 6 hours before and after your treatment. Both these factors affect the likelihood of your bruising. Please also avoid hot showers, saunas as well as exercise for 24 hours and avoid sunbathing or sunbeds for up to 7 days.
Can This Procedure Make My Wrinkles Worse?
No as over time the muscle relaxes and the acetylcholine receptors become less active you will need less injections with longer periods between each treatment.
Do I Need A Top Up?
You will be advised by your practitioner but yes most toxin treatments require a top up which must be carried out 2 weeks from the original treatment date, this is an additional charge of £25
Are There Any Contra-Indications?
Yes there are, the absolute contra-indications are pregnancy, breast feeding and more rarely medical conditions such as myasthenia Gravis. Relative contra-indications are the use of blood thinning medications (please discuss this with your technician during your consultation).
Do You offer Anti-Sweat Treatments?
Yes, you can book this through the site
What Is Preventative Treatment & When Is Best To Start?
For clients between the age of 26-35 years we recommend preventative botulium toxin which will slow the signs of ageing as the skin starts lose collagen with time. An age appropriate dose of botulium toxin is injected in the areas you want to address and over time a natural result will prevent your skin from developing fine lines and wrinkles.